Guidelines for Free paper presentation
1. At least one of the authors should be a member / should have applied for membership of the ISMSICS.
2. It is mandatory for the primary author to register for the conference.
3. The duration of the free paper presentation would be for 5 minutes only followed by 1 minute of QnA by the judges.
4. The paper should be presented under the headers of Title, Aims and Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.
5. The title slide should mention the title of the paper and the authors’ information and affiliations.
6. All ethical aspects and any conflicts of interest obtained should be clearly stated.
7. The slides in the free paper can contain scientific videos, if pertinent to the content being presented.
8. Please ensure that you have permission to use any image or other media procured from external sources.
9. The 2 best papers will be awarded Cash prizes.
10. All prizes will be given to the presenting author only.
11. No change in the presenting author will be allowed after abstract acceptance.
12. Evaluation criteria will be based on the originality of work, scientific rigor, utility in practice and overall presentation.
13. Please note that the session along with the presentation may be video-taped for inclusion in the proceedings of the conference or media promotions.